Want to meet neighbors and help make books accessible to all? Come join the volunteer librarian team at BBFL! If you have a few hours to spare, contact us for training. It's a terrific way to meet and get to know Thai and expat neighbors.

Story Time
Teachers Needed
Story Time is a popular program for the little ones in our community. If you love reading stories, teaching, and designing craft projects for toddlers, we'd love to have you join BBFL's Story Time team! We offer Story Time hours on Fridays and selected Sundays. Please contact us if interested.
ESL Teachers
BBFL welcomes volunteer tutors for our 2-track ESL program -- 1) Phonics for Reading 2) Exposure for Listening Comprehension. If you love teaching and would like to volunteer as a tutor or activiities leader, please contact us.

Now we have TWO!
Little Free Library
Book Exchange Boxes
Take a book.
Share a book.
​​Book Sale
Coming this Fall
Book/Yard sale fundraisers help fund a large portion of the library's operating expenses. More book sales coming soon! Please donate or shop at our book sales to support the library.
Language Corners &
Cultural Exchange
Neighbors asked for a chance to practice conversational English and Thai and learn about other cultures. So, we offer Language Corners where they get to strengthen their 2nd (or even 3rd) language in a friendly and supportive group settting. Great way to make new friends too. If interested, please contact us here.
Gap Year Internships
Gap Year Internships High school or college graduates interested in volunteering at the library before heading off to university or launching their careers are invited to apply for a semester or gap year internship. If you’d like to volunteer for an internship, please apply by contacting us here.